Quote Originally Posted by Elroy View Post

But think of it like this Bird; do you have a fire extinguisher in the house? Do you wear a seatbelt when you drive? Do you lock your house/car when you leave? The best thing we can do, is prepare for those events, take the precautions.

I have a question though, what did having a child have to do with getting rid of your rifles?
Quick answers, Elroy.

All the things you mention are legal, some being mandated by law or home insurance requirements.

In Canada it is illegal to own a handgun unless you go through many expensive and ponderous hoops, one of which is mandatory membership in a gun club and the other being a permit to move that gun out of the gun club, to your home, and back to the gun club. Handguns in Canada are classified as restricted weapons. If you want to read about how difficult it is to obtain and own a restricted weapon (handgun), knock yourself out here:


Children are inquisitive and resourceful. A rifle lying about unlocked, even separated from its ammunition, is a source of curiosity even for a toddler.
I didn't need a rifle lying about to trigger (pun intended) any possibility of accidental or purposeful discharge by a child. And I wasn't about to spend hundreds of dollars to obtain the necessary lockable rifle cabinet required by law.