Awe my American and Canadian friends, least we forget the "Original Owners" of the North American Continent. The North American Indians! Had they been the proud owners of Gatling Guns, Winchester Rifles and Colt Pistols things would be much different today. Considered "savages" they enacted the first ever "Immigration Laws" and look what it got them...Crafty and Sly Europeans by the boat loads bearing Arms, Measles, Small Pox and the likes. Welcome to reality folks. We, from shores far away, will decimate everything you hold "Holy" and "Sacred". We will kill and stack dead Buffalo, Deer, Elk and the like until your clean and pristine streams and rivers run red from the blood. We will fell every Red Wood and Old Growth Forest we can put a ax to. Over time we will herd you onto "Reservations" to "keep you in check" and continue to "pollute" every "pristine natural resource you cared and revered for centuries. So goes the "road to progress". We will teach you mere heathens our Religions and Cultures so you have a better appreciation for us. You will prosper and live much better under our ways and rule. And today here we sit, Canadians and Americans and argue over "Free Health Care and Gun Control