Fears over plastic-eating coral in Australia's Barrier Reef

Sydney (AFP) - Corals in the Great Barrier Reef are eating small plastic debris in the ocean, Australian researchers said on Tuesday, raising fears about the impact the indigestible fragments have on their health and other marine life.

The scientists found that when they placed corals from the reef into plastic-contaminated water, the marine life "ate plastic at rates only slightly lower than their normal rate of feeding on marine plankton", the study published in the journal Marine Biology said.

Translation - the so called "fears" that are being raised are really the environmentalist wackos coming to the realization that the earth has an amazing ability to adapt and adjust to whatever problems man poses to it. The bags are basically polyethylene, an ethylene resin. Ethylene is a derivative of natural gas and petroleum, ever see an oil rig in the ocean? The environmentalist wackos are fearing this finding will neutralize another scare story, plastics are dangerous for the oceans, and eliminate a whole fear industry's stream of money, billions. Like the climate change wackos they exist on promoting fear, death and destruction with false data projected as fact but in the end exposed for the fraud it is.