One of the signs of radicalization is having to respond to every thing that conflicts with your personal beliefs, using cartoons and slanders to belittle others is another sign. It was fun playing but it's starting to get boring, so if you can't believe NASA the DOD, NOAA, The US Navy and choose to believe the guardian and other rags have at it.

Where are you on the Great Bell Curve of Belief?

Attachment 11836

bellcurveofbeliefAs you rightly point out, you can’t answer the question, “Where are you on the Great Bell Curve of Belief?” without a specific belief to consider. You may be “YES!” on global warming, “YES?” on the Big Bang theory, “I.N.O.” (In Name Only) on political affiliation, “NO?” on Did Mossad do 911?, and “NO!” on Big Gubmint.’

My contention is that for a specific belief, you and I will fall somewhere on that line, and the great mass of mankind will occupy that bulge in the middle. Does that seem obvious? If so, why is all our news and our discourse couched in either-or terms? Why is it a Liberal-Conservative battle? Why is it a Sunni-Shia conflict? Do we honestly think all Sunnis are sitting on the hot red YES! for everything Sunni and all Shias are sitting on the hot red NO!

Do they think we are stupid? A scarier question: ARE we stupid?