I don't ...I don't mind if someone else does... There was a lot of money spent on me to teach me to injure folks...I don't need a gun, IE: read/ military type defense training.....

I DO believe if you have one you will use it in the right situation ...if you don't have a gun with you, you will go to plan "B"...

I don't care what side of the Zimmerman case you fall on...but do you think, if he could would he change his decision considering all the changes in his life? I think the average person would say it was not worth it... Once this decision is made your life is over as you know it....and yes I realize your life maybe me over as well...

NOW, that I am a little older and have a hearth condition, and a big mouth, I may need to revisit this and buy a bazooka ...because my mouth does not have a filter and some times words come out w/o me thinking.... sad but I usually say what ever I am thinking w/o thinking how my words will effect others...only one of my faults and I have many!