Quote Originally Posted by yabiah View Post
You two assholes are why I don't post as often as I'd like.
Thanks for spreading your douchebaggery, once again, to another thread.
Don't get upset with the rude, classless, clueless and obnoxious behavior of Nay Sayers. They enter into a thread about Dark Siding by Dark Siders for Dark Siders and engage the "Mandible" before engaging the contents of the "Orb" which resides on their shoulders. They have not a single personal experience with the Dark Side yet profess to be "Sideline Experts"/"Monday Night Quarterbacks" because of everything they have read and quote as "gospel". What they need is their own "Podium" to openly discuss their dislikes but unfortunately they like to interject their negative comments to

Documenting every element of your "Dark Side Experience" and sharing it with pics is "priceless" IMHO! It really separates "the men from the boys" and demonstrates ones desire to deviate from the "norm" and do it with "class"

Ride Safe
