We believe in the same things. We have a common goal. There is a solution.
Read on....

Quote Originally Posted by Limoles View Post
...Thank you . I really do enjoy my life . Maybe is not similar to others , but it wasn't my intention either...
On behalf of a multitude of uniformed service members past & present, and the Founding Fathers who penned the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, you are welcome for a country to which you came and now enjoy a good life which is not necessarily similar to others - and that diversity is a GREAT thing.

Quote Originally Posted by Limoles View Post
...Accusing me of changing their believes , customs and cultivated traditions happened to be a big lie , because I never did it...
No one accused you specifically of doing this. You have adapted and assimilated and while your beliefs do not necessarily reflect mine and perhaps others, there are many immigrants who come here and attempt change for their own cause.

Quote Originally Posted by Limoles View Post
...The worst part of it were sleazy attempts to impoverish my patriotism . Who gave them any bases to think like that is a mystery ? It went beyond simple disagreements...
I do not believe your patriotism, in any way, shape, or form, was challenged. It is obvious you have done well in this country, and you are a good business and work example for many of those native born Americans. They should follow your example, rather than get sucked into a lawless life and ultimately, as you put it, an untimely death.

Quote Originally Posted by Limoles View Post
...After "support" of few ( + 1s ), they thought , or felt that "representing their believes" is equal to many others , or even this could be a fundamental stone "to save humanity" , which actually is more than fantasy...
I would really enjoy a practical discussion of this concept. Humanity is in a real tight spot; drugs, gangs, violence in the name of religions, corrupt politicians, etc. I would really enjoy hearing a path forward to clean up this mess.

Quote Originally Posted by Limoles View Post
...We ended with no solution to the problem and this is , what I could expect . My voice will not disappear as indicated , but will slowly blend in this unprodictable discussion...
Well, not exactly. Perhaps you expected no solution, but I see a definite solution set - for everyone on the planet.
As humanity further descends into lawlessness and no respect for human life - regardless of the reason - I am (and I believe ALL of us are) faced with 2 options:
1. Take it upon oneself to be able to defend the family & loved ones and what I have worked for, from those whose disrespectful lawlessness would steal, hurt, or murder.
2. Choose to NOT be able to defend and just "roll with the tide."
I choose the former.
I realize there are many in this country - perhaps such as yourself - who choose the latter, and I will happily let you do that - it's a free country. I am not advocating that you change your ways.
But, using the same logic, please do not restrict my Constitutionally endowed freedoms and believe I should change mine.

Quote Originally Posted by Limoles View Post
The only my mistake was to learn , how consequences of blind obsessions in guns are leading to extreme events , which experiences do not give anybody reasons to be proud of. And that's my only motivations to stay away from firearms , because life matters to me. To those , who got offended by my unintentional sever-ability , I do sincerely apologize . Stay alive
No apologies necessary - never apologize for what you believe in. Yes, there are sick people out there who are not mentally stable and will do bad things. Do they have "blind obsessions in guns?" Maybe, but the gun is still only a tool.
Do I have a "blind obsession with guns?" Nope. They are a tool. Just like fire is a "good servant, but a bad master," any weapon in the wrong hands is bad. There are more than enough laws on the books to keep weapons out of bad people's hands. They are just un-enforceable, again due to our lawless, disrespectful-of-life society we as a nation have fostered.

Quote Originally Posted by Limoles View Post
...Becasue life matters to me....
That's a beautiful statement.
"Life matters to me" is what I was thinking, as I drew my weapon from it's holster, raised it up and pointed it at the crack-head trying to enter my house.
My family's lives matters and I'm defending them with every ounce of energy I have.

Limoles - we have the same root philosophy. We just differ in the implementation of that belief.
I pray a long life for you and your loved ones and I pray that you never need a weapon and wished that you had one for their defense.
Stay alive.