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Thread: Arsenal of Democracy

  1. #51
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    My God to be so freakin hollow. Programmed by the pap of the interweb. No need to be right because someone else claimed it, said it, vowed it. I cannot think of a more miserable way to proceed than to first not be beguiled by a country that has welcomed you and second to have your strings strung by conspiracy theorists galore. Ugh!
    2015 F6B Deluxe
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  2. #52
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Make time for this numnutz. You seem to only have time to become intellectually more superior to us by concentrating on all of the negatives.

    The taliban made it better right?

    Freakin killer Marines

    Just giving America a taste of the fire it started....right?

    More of the just horrible looking conditions they suffered in the mid 1900's

    Bastards, how dare they try and help.


    Sons of bitches.

    Make time to see the good. You'll smile more. Have a good life.
    2015 F6B Deluxe
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  3. #53
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
    My God to be so freakin hollow. Programmed by the pap of the interweb. No need to be right because someone else claimed it, said it, vowed it. I cannot think of a more miserable way to proceed than to first not be beguiled by a country that has welcomed you and second to have your strings strung by conspiracy theorists galore. Ugh!
    And that my friend is really it Attachment 13869in a nut shell!

    and to limoles who doesn't seem to like to think for himself I might add
    Attachment 13870

    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
    the guy who invented the second one... he was the genius!

  4. #54
    Senior Member
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    Well Said

  5. #55
    Senior Member 53driver's Avatar
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    Just came across this....

    ..article from Kurt Schlicter today. California lawyer, Army Veteran, Stand Up Comic.
    I'm with him. No links - just read.

    Kurt Schlichter | May 11, 2015

    I damn sure didn’t go to war for this country twice to come home and be told by a bunch of homely chicks with daddy issues, effete literary fops scandalized by the notion of resistance to Third World pathologies, and nimrod sons of politicians playing at journalism what I can and can’t say. And I don’t think most Americans are ready to have everything they speak, write, or think perused for possible hate criminality by these same goose-stepping creeps.
    We’d rather die than “live” on our knees, begging permission to exercise the right God gave us to say whatever we damn well please, whenever we damn well please, and in the manner we damn well please. And those who want to shut us up better be equally committed if they want to succeed.
    After Garland, they went too far. They showed their hand and their goal, a world where they decide who gets to say what. Imagine the same hysterical social justice drama queens who shriek about microaggressions getting to decide what you can and can’t say. Just understand, you fascist bastards, that if you want to be Nazis, you’ll need to do what the Nazis did and find some armed thugs – yeah, I’m using the word “thugs” whether you like it or not – to come stop us. Tell them to wear Kevlar.
    Garland and the sorry aftermath of terrorist apologetics that followed were a warning to every freedom-loving American, as well as an illustration of what one freedom-loving American with training and a Glock can do against the forces of totalitarianism. These jihadi savages tried to silence and intimidate all free Americans. They failed.
    Progressives mutter without conviction about how they can’t support violence, but … but … but, in fact, they do support violence. It’s not just their chilling with bomb-planting guys around the neighborhood and free passes for the looters in Ferguson and Baltimore. They support whatever it takes to silence us.
    When the Democrats in Congress vote to repeal the First Amendment, or when they babble about outlawing what they label “hate speech,” what these leftist elitists seek to do is to empower a government they control to send armed men to stop us from saying what they have determined we may not say. They can’t stand up to the truth we speak; they have to suppress it or scamper away like roaches caught in the light.
    No. You see, we aren’t giving up our right of free speech or, for that matter, any other rights you leftist schmucks deem inconvenient.
    Those miserable losers in Garland weren’t just a couple of carcasses. Shot down in the street by a free American who was not intimidated, who was not afraid, who absolutely, positively was not going to back down even when outnumbered and outgunned, their dead bodies are a symbol. They are a symbol of our resolve, proof that we will not surrender, we will not submit, and we will not allow our God-given rights to be stolen from us by anyone, not Seventh Century savages, not Gucci-wearing liberal narcissists, and not twisted social justice warriorettes taking out on the rest of humanity their lingering disappointment that no boy wanted to be seen with them at the prom.
    To the gutless and cowardly who would gladly submit to dhimmitude, whether imposed by the jihadi creeps or the progressive cadres, we can say only that we pity you. We pity the fact that every day you have to wake up and look in the mirror and see the face of a man, or woman, or whichever of the 567 other gender identities the freakshow left has manufactured, who is more concerned with personal safety than with personal dignity. Pathetic.
    Maybe preserving your life is worth living as a slave, but we reject your craven choice. God did not put us on this Earth to be the minions of some oligarchy of malignant punks, obedient and afraid. You want to clasp a figurative collar around our necks? You better hire a whole bunch of dudes who are a whole a lot better at close quarter combat than those clowns in Garland. And you sure won’t find any tactically proficient future stormtroopers in the local university’s Womyns’ Studies Department or sipping cosmos at some Manhattan cocktail party.
    You want to turn America into the fascist state of your dreams? Remember Lexington and Concord? No, you don’t, because you were too busy taking courses in Socialist Tap Dance to squeeze in a history course. So let me break it down for you: You’ll need to fight. And you putzes don’t have the skill or the guts to do it.
    The jihadis can’t fight, and you leftists won’t. You progressives thought you could just slowly nibble away at our rights, gnawing off a bit here and a bit there, slowly, so we wouldn’t notice. You thought you could shame, bully, and browbeat us into the figurative cattle cars for carriage off to the giant reeducation camp you wanted to make of our culture. Who needed men in black with guns? We were supposed to willingly, even eagerly, submit. But that’s not going to happen.
    Oh, you came so close. For so long, we wrongly imagined that your lies about racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and all the rest were just part of some big misunderstanding. Sure, we knew you were wrong, that we were being falsely accused, but we thought you were at least sincere, if misguided. Except now the mask is off.
    Racism? You don’t care. Ask Clarence Thomas about your love of minorities who don’t toe your line.
    Sexism? You don’t care. Ask any of Bill Clinton’s victims, who you eagerly sacrificed to save your progressive knight.
    Homophobia? Poverty? Corporate abuses? Civil rights? You care nothing about any of them. You leftists just want control. You trash gays who get between you and power, and ignore the gays being murdered in the Middle East because that oppression isn’t useful to you. You keep the poor poor and addicted to your paltry handouts so you can maintain a docile voting bloc. Corporate abuses are terrible right up until the big companies start paying off your candidates. And civil rights? Gimme a break. The First Amendment stopped being useful back in January 2009, so now you’re eager to drown it like Mary Jo Kopechne.
    We’re done. You fascists, whether Islamo- or liberal, want to shut us up? Then you better be ready to rumble, because submission isn’t one of the options. We will speak free or die.
    My girls:
    Isleen - 2014 F6BD
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    "Politeness, n: The most acceptable hypocrisy."
    Ambrose Bierce

  6. #56
    Guys the total crap that rolls out of that mans mouth is unbelievable. I have watched this infidel for months. I'm convinced he is a card carrying communist and I urge you guys to quit responding to him and never acknowledge his existence again. His sole purpose on this forum is to disrupt and destroy our ideals. We live in the greatest country on the planet. We set the standards for everyone else. We are envied and yet hated. They are chasing our tails guys. Lady Liberty's dress may have blown up a little but she will push it down and continue to set the pace. We are the world , and the world is nothing without us. God Bless the USA.

  7. #57
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    Disappointed Les; I thought you were better than a propagandist.

  8. #58
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Nice Steve.
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  9. #59
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Thank you Larry.
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  10. #60
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by srt8-in-largo View Post
    Disappointed Les; I thought you were better than a propagandist.

    I'm not better , than anybody else , but if you tell me , how to explain presence and mission of American "heroes" in those Middle East locations , I'll try to continue and find the proper motives of counterpart's naive thinking ? Don't tell me , that thoughtlessly repeated "merits" and past involvement in WWII gave them that "privilege" of justifying pre-empty wars . It's rather indicating , you are the victim of domestic propaganda , which is nothing but agitation for beating drums of ( another ) war .

    You probably missed that Congressional Hearing :

    "US Army General Wesley Clark in August of 2001, said : We are reminded that many wars and major military theater operations are planned years or sometimes even decades in advance and that the excuses to justify them are likely fabricated. In this short speech that General Clark gave more than 10 years ago, he stated that the US had already planned to invade Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Libya and Iran. We already know that Iraq has fallen, that Libya has been taken out, that there is a brutal ongoing war in Syria and in the Sudan now, that there has been ongoing war in Somalia since 2009, and that war in Iran now seems inevitable. Furthermore, a quick look at the map below shows that the only two countries important to the control of oil transport routes in the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea not on Wesley Clark’s 2001 list are Egypt, a country in which the Arab Spring originated and former President Mubarak has already been ousted, and Saudi Arabia, a long-time standing US ally. But could there possibly be another much more important commodity than oil that is really the driving force behind these interventions? Upon deeper investigation, it also seems highly likely that the Western global banking cartel has been involved in some capacity in the industrial-military complex planning of these invasions and government overthrows in Africa and the Middle East due to the peculiarly timed nature of these events".

    So , what's missing now ? Follow the continuous fabrications for Iran' occupation . The only problem of temporary upholding it is NO EVIDENCE of any endangerment , which could affect "your freedom" .

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