Quote Originally Posted by Steve 0080 View Post
Drugs are the root of all evil...80% of time is drug related, in one form or other...100% of all US monies in this country have coke on them...I say legalize ALL drugs, so you can buy the stuff at the 7-11...and let them kill themselves off....at least they will not be breaking into your home!
I wouldn't go that far, but it would not bother me if in order for someone to buy recreational drugs from a controlled drug store they would have to have the right endorsement on their ID card and could only buy drugs in very limited quantities. That way the drug addicts could get their drugs, employers could check the ID cards and if they were willing to hire a addict they would have foreknowledge of it. And of course anybody with any drug endorsement would not be allowed to work at any job where they could endanger public safety.