Quote Originally Posted by Greg O View Post
Doug, you are truly a Harley hater, do you hate Victorys and Indians too, or is just a V Twin thing. I have met a lot of good people when I was riding Harleys, also some unsavory ones too. Harley supports many charitys. I don't understand why you have such a bad taste in your mouth about Harley Davidson.
You are correct.
I am a Harley hater.

"do you hate Victorys and Indians too,"

I have no opinion on Victorys or Indians because I never owned either of those brands.
Therefore,I never had to work on,push one for miles or take one in for constant repairs.

"or is it a V Twin thing."

Incase you didn't know,Victorys and Indians are also V Twins.
Harley is not the only V Twin engine.
Moto Guzzi is a V Twin also,just put in sideways.

"I don't understand why you have such a bad taste in your mouth about Harley Davidson."

Because I did nothing but work on,push for miles or run back and forth to the dealer for repairs when I owned (3) of them.

"Harley supports many charitys"

So what?
You make it sound like other manufacturers don't?

Here is my opinion.
Harley Davidson is more about a created image than it is a quality motorcycle builder.
Go into a Harley shop and what is it mostly about?
T shirts,leathers,gifts like mugs,etc. and accessories.

Then their are the posers.
That would take up too much of my time.

In conclusion..

Ride what you want.

Ride with who you want.
That is your choice.

I don't condemn someone for buying one just because I won't.
For the record..
I ride almost every trip I go on with Harley guys.
They give me more crap about my "Jap" bike than I ever have to them about their Harleys.
They also know exactly how I feel about Harleys.
They ride with me because of me.
Not because of what brand I ride.
They are not posers.
They ride 400-600 mile day rides for lunch.
They also put on about 15,000 to 20,000 miles a year on one.
They a religious about maintanance.
I respect them for that.
They all have told me they expect to trade them about every 2-3 years so they don't care about warranties or breakdowns.

By the way,if you think they are so wonderful,then why did you buy a F6B?
