Quote Originally Posted by dickiedeals View Post
I felt the same about the Madstad until last year at the Franklin Rally I acquired one.Took me the better part of a year before I installed it. Wow way smoother air than the BaggerShield, can turn down the radio a few notches and hear it clearer, and the Ugly actually grows on you. I've use 4 other brands that all didn't provide near as nice an air picket as this Madstad. I have the dark Smoke adjusted so I can see a couple inches over it. Try it you'll like it or you could do like me and spend $1500 or more on Windshields before I tried the Butt Ugly one as you called it.........................After Franklin (Leaving for Lake City Florida tomorrow) I'll have a Baggershield, and a Tall Clearview with a vent for sale if anyone is interested.............See you at the Franklin Rally............Dickie
Dickie, I really don't have a problem with the bagger shield, it does everything I want it to do which is keep the bugs off me, lesson the amount of air trying to blow me off the bike, it lets me hear my stereo better and there just isn't a problem that I have encounter and the other thing is, it looks dam good on the F6B, I will take it off when its so scratched up I can't see thru it anymore and put a new bagger shield on in its place.