Quote Originally Posted by ths61 View Post
Here is what I was reading (instructions for the 50cc including both the 1000/24 and 1500/36).

"... find at least one police officer, firefighter, judge, notary public or authorized Iron Butt Association member
... You may fill out the witness section with the Police Station/Fire House address. Ask the officer to supply his badge number and note it on the witness form.
... Generally speaking, you will need to find one police officer at both the start and end of your ride to witness the date, time and location.

You need an official for the 50cc but for 1000/24 and 1500/36 standalone you only need a clerk, time stamp etc.

STEP TWO: Get a start witness

In order to document your ride, the Iron Butt Association requires that obtain an eyewitness to document the start of your ride. Witnesses for the basic SaddleSore 1000 and Bun Burner 1500 may be a friend (but not one on the ride with you), spouse or even gas station attendant willing to answer a letter from the IBA about your start or end time. If a passenger is on the ride with you, please ask your witnesses to sign the form for them also.