Quote Originally Posted by Hornblower View Post
Stro--I don't know what it's like in Texas but in our NC and TN mountains, double yellow lines are common on all the twisties and you have to make choices that are not always so black and white. Luckily, many of the cagers in our mountain areas show great courtesy to us by pulling over and letting us have our fun. Others can be going well under the posted speed limit and refuse to yield. So, your choice becomes either following this uncaring driver for a long way or look for a decent place to get by. That place will usually still be marked double yellow, unfortunately. So, with all due respect, I disagree with you the rider in that situation needs his license revoked and is an idiot. OTOH, maybe I'm just an idiot myself and don't realize it yet .
I fully agree except for the last sentence. He's an idiot for putting his chick in harms way. Kill yourself with my blessings, but don't kill the poor passenger.