Lots of good riding in S. MO and especially in central/nw AR! Never been to Branson. Eureka Springs is a little 'touristy' (Antiques, coffee shops, etc) but stil nice area. Pea Ridge battlefield in NW AR for History buffs.
Wife and I spend a week in AR ridng every year. Tend to 'base camp' in Russellville and typically day-ride in-out.
Boston Mountains are our fave (N of Russellville) vs Ozarks (South), and also a tad cooler in the summer.
Pig trail is west of Russellvile, just north of Ozark. Cliff restaraunt is ~half way or so~ between Russellville and Harrison on 7. If ya like country riding on good 2 lanes highways, not much traffic, hills/trees/curves,,, pretty easy to find it in AR!!! The Natives are rider-friendly too! =)