Quote Originally Posted by TerryDavid View Post
Happen to know a little bit about guns as I was with a world known military Training unit that trained soldiers from all over the world?
I always laugh when I hear people that say they have a gun for home protection
Don't think they know that a single bullet will travel through every wall in the house including exiting through the external brick wall after killing their wife? their children and maybe even their dog?
While your thinking may serve you well in other countries, the founding fathers had specific ideas when they wrote the constitution for this shining experiment we call the United States of America.

The short little statement contained in the 2nd amendment has had volumes written about it, including by the framers of our constitution. If you take the time to look up the Federalist Papers, specifically #46 and #29 and read them, you would quickly realize the 2nd amendment does not refer to home defense, hunting, or even sporting purposes. No, Hamilton and Madison make it abundantly clear that bearing arms is "the (God given) right of the people" who would ... protect us from national tyranny.

This is what makes us free citizens vs subjects of a government.

Extrapolating further, one could make the argument that law abiding citizens should be allowed weapons equal to the military's ... But that is a discussion for another day.

As always, my apologies to any I may have offended.