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Thread: hope for the future.....is there

  1. #21
    Senior Member Ridlikhel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueverclear View Post
    I will take any democrat over anyone in the republican field right now. Hillary or Bernie and day of the week over the ass hole billionaire, the ass hole senator who is will to shut down the government just to make a point, the senator who basically is "too busy to participate", and the only intelligent guy on the republican side doesn't have a chance in hell. Boy y'all are screwed lol

    Oh, so you're one of those that would rather have a Husband and Wife Millionaire ass holes run the country. Not sure that's any better than the jerk that's fucking up the country right now. You can give your money to illegals that drive down the pay of hard working Americans, but I would rather help someone in need that has been paying taxes for years.

  2. #22
    I don't see how anybody of sound mind can believe that everything is even close to OK. Anybody that wants to come into the country can draw a check , get an apartment , and enjoy free healthcare. I've been here my whole life and I work 50 hours a week , have a house payment and my shitty Obamacare costs me $600 a month. What's up with that. I mostly vote Republican but I would vote for a Democrat that could fix those problems. I don't think a penny should leave this country as long as we have needs here. Close the borders. I'm tired of supporting every Pedro Dick and Harry that walks in. Illegal means something. They aren't legal. Get it?? And another thing. Manufacturers are leaving this country in droves. Why?? The tree huggers. Their philosophy is if they make pollution , run them out of the country. We are losing our tax base. Why not take a portion of those taxes and reinvest in the corporation helping them to reduce greenhouse emissions and keeping those tax dollars here at home. If I was King I would go further than that. First day I would go on TV and say "If it ain't made here its not sold here. You have one year to make it happen." Think about it. There wouldn't be enough homeless and poor to staff the factories. Notice I said King. You know that could happen if we had politicians that cared about US. They care about lining their pockets. THERE IT IS!!!! All of that to get to this. Donald Trump is a multi billionaire. He doesn't need our money. Obama wasn't a millionaire when elected. He is now. His salary didn't do that. Clinton wasn't a millionaire when elected. Very rich when he left. VOTE FOR TRUMP!!!!

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueverclear View Post
    I will take any democrat over anyone in the republican field right now. Hillary or Bernie and day of the week over the ass hole billionaire, the ass hole senator who is will to shut down the government just to make a point, the senator who basically is "too busy to participate", and the only intelligent guy on the republican side doesn't have a chance in hell. Boy y'all are screwed lol

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  4. #24
    Senior Member F6B1911's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    I don't see how anybody of sound mind can believe that everything is even close to ....VOTE FOR TRUMP!!!!
    The Republicans need to be careful or they'll end up handing the election to the Democrats. It seems the people have spoken, they seem to be saying that they are fed up with the corrupt politics and want a true change. So, why doesn't the party rally behind Trump and fully support him?? With all of the party in-fighting, they're just pissing everyone off even more.
    If you watched any of the debates, you gotta wonder why nobody addressed any issues yet have all the time in the world to attack each other?
    I haven't heard any Republican comment on Benghazi.
    I haven't heard any Republican comment on White Water.
    I haven't heard any Republican comment on questionable email management.
    I haven't heard any Republican comment on the serious head injury Hillary experienced that allowed her to forget important events, yet allows her to be a qualified presidential candidate.

    Attachment 19428

  5. #25
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueverclear View Post
    the ass hole billionaire, the ass hole senator
    Quote Originally Posted by opas ride View Post
    one of these Socialist, liberal, lying, left-wing radicals become President...There won't be much of the US left if these Democratic "idiots" don't pull their head out of their ass!!!......Get a grip on reality my friend....
    Quote Originally Posted by blueverclear View Post
    I am am democrat and don't appreciate being called an idiot just because we have an ideological difference on how the country should be run. Maybe you should pull your own head out of your ass and realize that not one party has all of the answers.

    Personal attacks should not be allowed on a forum like this, nothing are facts just opinions of members. Hopefully the moderators are paying attention to this thread.


    Grant, I don't care if you are a Democrat, Republican or an Independent. YOU labeled the republican candidates as "ass-holes" … No One mis understood to whom you were directing the insults to or calling "Ass-Holes"

    Re-read Opas post … He did not call YOU and idiot, he was referring to the Democratic candidates, just like you were referring to the Republican candidates. Your complaint is baseless since you misinterpreted and took his post out of context. Opas didn't call you an "idiot". You proceeded to personally attack Opas by telling him to take his head out of his ass, YOU are the one making a personal insult to another member and YOU are out of line.

    You are a new member on here and have not experienced the civility that we have. We can all agree to disagree. This forum is very mild compared to other forums, we all are entitled to our opinions including myself. We are fair minded and I like to hear ALL sides before I make my personal decision. I take great pride in this nation, I dislike those that try to destroy what has made it so great and the land the so many RISK DYING for in their attempt to reach it.

    Grant, this is a great forum and yes the moderators do read and keep an eye on it. Just join us for our annual Rally and you will experience the true brotherhood of this forum, regardless of your political or religious views.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  6. #26
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ridlikhel View Post
    Oh, so you're one of those that would rather have a Husband and Wife Millionaire ass holes run the country. Not sure that's any better than the jerk that's fucking up the country right now. You can give your money to illegals that drive down the pay of hard working Americans, but I would rather help someone in need that has been paying taxes for years.
    Ever wonder were Union Dues go ?

    Hillary Clinton Paying Herself $254,000 to Run for President from Campaign Donations

    Don't worry Hillary donors, this is for public service. Not filthy lucre. You're getting Hillary Clinton at a discount rate here. For $254,000 you could barely get her to yawn through one single speech if you're a public university or children's organization.

    All told, payroll and benefits transactions to Clinton have totaled $254,447 since the launch of her campaign.

    Grifters gotta grift. You can't expect Hillary Clinton to run for president for free. Or just being satisfied with the $135 million in speaking fees that she and her husband have accumulated.


    At least some other candidates use their own money or take out personal loans against their retirement accounts to do so.

  7. #27
    Senior Member blueverclear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Hillary had one job to do - and she couldn't even do that, a subcontractor had to finish.
    hahahahahaha now thats funny! lol

  8. #28
    Senior Member blueverclear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    Grant, I don't care if you are a Democrat, Republican or an Independent. YOU labeled the republican candidates as "ass-holes" … No One mis understood to whom you were directing the insults to or calling "Ass-Holes"

    Re-read Opas post … He did not call YOU and idiot, he was referring to the Democratic candidates, just like you were referring to the Republican candidates. Your complaint is baseless since you misinterpreted and took his post out of context. Opas didn't call you an "idiot". You proceeded to personally attack Opas by telling him to take his head out of his ass, YOU are the one making a personal insult to another member and YOU are out of line.

    You are a new member on here and have not experienced the civility that we have. We can all agree to disagree. This forum is very mild compared to other forums, we all are entitled to our opinions including myself. We are fair minded and I like to hear ALL sides before I make my personal decision. I take great pride in this nation, I dislike those that try to destroy what has made it so great and the land the so many RISK DYING for in their attempt to reach it.

    Grant, this is a great forum and yes the moderators do read and keep an eye on it. Just join us for our annual Rally and you will experience the true brotherhood of this forum, regardless of your political or religious views.
    Well I take opas for his word and I hope others do the same for me. I may have misread the comment from Opas so if he says he didn't direct the comment toward me then i believe him 100% and take him for his word as well. If I jumped to conclusion opas, I apologize.

    Phantom, I would love to come to the rally but im already committed to a week long meet and greet in the smoky mountains the week before the rally. Starting off from New Orleans to Birmingham, AL and going to the Barber Motorsports museum on Monday. Then up to Bryson City, NC from Tuesday - Sunday. Hope to see a friend on the way up as well!


  9. #29
    Senior Member MisterB's Avatar
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    Our system has not scaled up. It was fine back in the day, but over time, people, corporations, politicians, have all found ways to game the system.
    Special interests rule the country.
    Pit the people against each other by race, party, football team, and keep them occupied while we are all robbed blind.
    Common sense is dead, the courts have seen to that.
    Divide and conquer is the rule, the parties and media handled that quite well.
    Social media will start race wars based on untrue statements.
    Humans are flawed to the core, this will not end well.

    In the meantime... let's ride!

  10. #30
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    The main problem & a different perspective

    First let me say I have no dog in this fight, I'm not a Democrat, Republican or anything else, was a Conservative till about 10 years ago. Here is a statistic that will clear things up ... a little. While 0.6 percent of the U.S. adult population are lawyers, 41% of Congress are lawyers - that's 68 times the.national average. I don't know if you've had interactions with lawyers, I've had plenty, Criminal - civil- IRS - Family - Traffic etc.none pleasant,and I can tell you they are the lowest form of life there is. Their job is to create fear in you so you need them,,create a doomsday scenario so they can come in and save you, create the chaos then make it appear like only they have the answer - sound familiar. That is the template from which every politician is cast these day "Only I can save you, I'm going to D.C. and fight for you." What?

    After you get elected and you go to Washington they sit you down in a room and say "Congratulations, we know you had to say a lot of things during the campaign to get elected, regarding what you were going to do when you came here, well, you're not going to do any of that. If you try to you will never chair, or even sit, on a committee and we will use the party coffers to run against you in the next election and you will be a one term Congressman / Senator / President.", it is the birth of a career politician.They are beholden to lobbyists, big donors (business) period. Former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill used to say "Money is the mother's milk of politics."

    Here comes a self-made billionaire, self funded, never ran for office and the first one he goes for is the Triple Crown, Grand Slam of the Presidency. You don't think these career politicians Clinton, Romney, Bush, Cruz, Biden are jealous, envious, bitter? They've planned this their whole lives - all the work, fund raising, kissing babies, kissing ass, mall openings etc. He has the audacity to enter their domain and go for the PRESIDENCY! More importantly, the 2 parties are scared to death because they have been entrenched in this system forever and they dismissed this guy out of hand and he's making a fool out of them. The parties, and their politicians, are united because Trump threatens their very existence. What if more people, like Trump, decide to run for office, these career politicians will have to leave DC and get a job. Lawyers are the most low self esteem, high ego people on the planet, this has them rattled down to their core, it's job security - for both parties and that's why they are united against him.You see, most politicians look to get power to become rich, Trump is already rich and powerful, it must be driving those lawyers CRAZY. His enemies are united against him.

    The Founders never meant for there to be career politicians and that is why the turnover every 2 years for Congress, they had their fill of that with Parliament, I think they were on a 7 year term. They designed this government for regular people to come to Washington, serve and GO BACK HOME and be subject to the laws they passed, of which there are over 20 million, including regulations. Now you know why Congress has over 68 times more lawyers than the national average. The only way for the money to keep flowing is for them to constantly make criminals out of the rank and file. While we bicker over elections and candidates they sit back and dine in the fanciest restaurants, stay in the swankiest hotels, golf at the best courses and hand us the bill - exactly like lawyers do. All the while making it appear they are working. Remember, they are all in the same union, the BAR (British Accredited Registry) and their first obligation is ALWAYS to the court, i.e. why we have/will have so many laws. (Ex. 40,000 laws entered into the Federal Register on 1/1/11)

    Say what you want about Trump but I've seen a LOT of kids inherit money or a business and within a year it is gone, forever. He managed to surpass his father, many times over, and now he is running for President, not bad for a contractor. You don't get to run a worlwide organization like his without the ability to identify brilliant, talented and dedicated leaders. He knows how to delegate his authority and to pick the right people for the job, and isn't that what a great leader does. Ask yourself this, when the Founders were thinking about what country they wanted to create, the ideas and ideals they had in mind when drafting those incredible documents that were the blueprint of the greatest experiment of freedom and opportunity in human history, who do you think fulfills that criteria more than anyone running. Who has benefited more from the freedoms and opportunities of America and whose lifestyle would not change one iota if they lost tomorrow. He goes home to Milenia, c'mon just nabbing that I'd crown him king.

    Besides, when do you get a chance to piss off this many lawyers in one shot.

    You know why lawyers wear neckties ----- it keeps the foreskin down

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