Quote Originally Posted by Ixol Phaane View Post
I'd suggest using a USB thumb drive/memory stick rather than your phone.
Load it up with many gigs of tunes and leave it plugged into the saddlebag port. Control all the playback from the hand controls.
So easy to replace the tune list if you have your songs on a computer.

run a USB extension cable from the trunk back up to the front of the bike where your phone will be. Easy.

Ride safe.

I tried this just last week and with the extended cable it would not power my iPhone X. I have been running with an iPod Nano that I picked up a few years ago exclusively to have it live in the saddlebag for music. But I wanted to start using my phone for the GPS app and thought if I just need to extend the cable I would have a winner. No such luck. Maybe one of the tech guys can chime in as to why this didn't work with the longer cable? BTW... the Nano would work with the longer cable setup. Just not the phone. Which I assume means that the phone requires more power and that's why it didn't work. IDK??