Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
Here's a thought, he commutes the sentence of someone that leaked classified information to Wikileaks. With all the controversy surrounding that site and the supposed damage it did to Hillary''s staff, via Podesta and Huma's emails, and with the no love lost between the Obamas and Clintons why would Obama do a stab-in-the-back like this to Hillary. Is it possible he had more of a hand in the leaked emails than we'll ever know and it was one last middle finger to the witch going out the door.
Interesting inverse thinking on the matter. But I see it as a final FU to the Military (liberals hate the military) and a thumbs up to the LGBT community, and a huge slap in the face for the rule of law, and for any rules whatsoever for the handling of classified information.

Apparently leaking military secrets is fine. Only the DNC is off limits...