Agree with everything that's been said here. And I bet if you asked the players why they were doing what they are doing you would get a million different answers, if they even knew at all! And what about "Big Ben" saying he regretted how the Steelers remained in the locker room during the National Anthem and he wished he'd been on the sideline. Spineless.

But can we all agree how awesome it was to see the POTUS saying "Son of a bitch" at a press conference!

Just like during the election when all the career politicians got it wrong, the talking heads on the news networks got it wrong, journalists, celebrities, etc., all got it wrong, so to is the NFL. Trump is saying exactly what most of the country is feeling about these self-entitled, ego-maniac athletes and their "protests".

I bet Roger Goodell is happier than anyone about what Trump has said though. For once the NFLPA, owners, coaches, players, are angry at someone other than him.