For those of you that are interested the hotel and dates for the West No Frills Rally have changed. The new hotel is Holiday Inn Express in Montrose Colorado and the dates are going to be from Sept 14th to the 20th. Its going to be very informal and you don't need to be there the entire time. JMDANIEL did most of the legwork setting this up and he can give you more info if you want it. This is a great riding area with lots of great roads and in late September we will probably see the leaves changing in the higher elevations. I was just in Colorado earlier this week and everything is good. Lots of places require face covering but most places are open and trying hard to earn your business.

If you aren't doing anything in late September come ride with us and see scenery that you will never forget. The San Juan Mountains are as good as it gets for riding country.

Ride safe
Az Wingrider