Let it sit in the sun for an hour or so. Get under an edge with a plastic scraper or floss and lift, don't pry. It will slowly release. Be careful of the opposing corner digging into the paint. Some folks like to saw off the tape with the floss. I just use two plastic razors on opposing sides. After it releases you will be left with some tape residue that can be rolled off with your fingers. Keep the bike in the sun while you are removing most of the tape and gunk. Put her in the shade of a tree or your garage and let her cool down. Go to the drug store and buy some of the alcohol preps they use prior to an injection. Use those after the bike is cooled down but be gentle. The double sided tape can trap moisture in the paint and you may just keep rubbing until you have damaged the paint. When the tape residue is gone throw some wax on those areas and leave them alone for a week or so. I use the Honda spirits to clean my Matte finish, but the process is the same. Get the tape off and leave those ghost marks alone for a week or two. More wax is a good thing.

Good luck.