Quote Originally Posted by sharkey View Post
Politicians lie, what do you expect? What does DT gain by thrashing O? DT will lie less and he is much better than HRC but he ain't no saint. My job vetted me than either of these guys.

It was a great day to see so many on the left piss n moan. In regards to the violent protesters, they should have done what the Korean grocers did during the King riots, be on the roof with an M1 carbine and open up when the looters come near.
His acceptance speech left those press people scratching their head as they had never heard anything like that speech before and he called out a bunch of those worthless politicians to get off their asses and start working for the people they are supposed to be there for. I certainly thought his speech was the best I had heard in a long time, just got up there and called a spade a spade and wasn't holding back anything whether it was Democrats or Republicans he wants them to know it time the people got what they paying for.