Define Yourself - F6B Owner/Rider - Page 5
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Thread: Define Yourself - F6B Owner/Rider

  1. #41
    Senior Member valkmc's Avatar
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    Started riding on the street at 17 (not sure what my parents were thinking) and will be 57 in a couple of months. I have always had at least one bike in the garage for 40 years, sometimes 2 or 3. Many different brands. Brands don't define me but I am not an HD fan at all. I live for the long adventures. Being a school teacher I get the summer to ride and have covered North America from Alaska to Key West and Maine to California. I prefer to do the long trips alone, sometimes the wife will go and sometimes she will fly and meet me somewhere we want to stay for a week. I am not a bar hopper but will certianly find a bar after a 500 mile day and I am in a hotel or the campsite is set up. I hope to ride until I pass on to the next place we go, hopefully there will be motorcycles there. If the health begins to present a problem I will be on 3 wheels. I think I like to do the long trips alone because I can go where I want and do what I want. I also think the fact that I spend my working days in a classroom that 160-170 teenagers pass through each day makes me long for solitude.

  2. #42
    Senior Member Pap's Avatar
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    53 year old kid. Enough said! Lol !
    Ok, I love to have a good time, like to ride with my wife on the back. Well, actually, I love it because she rubs my neck and back a lot!
    I used to go for the speed and power, riding wheelies on my ST 1300 and M109r with or without the wife (she's crazier than I am),but now I just want to ride and enjoy the scenery. I plan to see this beautiful country of ours before I check out. I believe in GOD and try to be a good person, but it's a work in progress being good. I ride with any brand of bike, but I will say, I have a few friends that ride Harleys that took on the attitude that a "rice burner" isn't worth riding with, so they are on their own. I will ride long distances for ice cream! If they serve food, well, that is a bonus! Always looking forward to making new friends and living life.

  3. #43
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by valkmc View Post
    I also think the fact that I spend my working days in a classroom that 160-170 teenagers pass through each day makes me long for solitude.
    Been there, done that.
    I pulled the plug at 55, and moved to pre-trades education for disenfranchised adults re-entering the workplace after incarceration and/or addictions challenges. Best and most rewarding teaching in my career.

  4. #44
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Ride alone, always did, don't want to worry about who's behind, who's in front, had Harleys but never was into the "Meet up and ride to the diner" crowd. Love the intimacy with the road right underneath your feet, not in the confines of a metal cocoon, bugs whacking you in the cheeks, smells of corn pastures and riding through a tree-lined road (which feels like air condition) cannot be beat. I like long stretches of desolate places like the 106 miles between Salina, Utah and Green River, Utah. Pull over, shut the bike off and if you listen real close you can hear God breathing. Heaven must be where the road never stops and you never have to pull over for gas.

  5. #45
    Member luisjromero's Avatar
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    Better alone...

    Since my first bike 20 years ago, I always rode HD...but never enjoyed the groups (and I tried, I swear). I love the machine, but rather prefer to ride alone, till now on HD (continue doing with my Heritage) and now riding my red F6B Deluxe. Its so different, but they share the same spirit...I met the perfect complement outside from HD (i was looking the HD Road Glide)
    Both bikes give me a quite similar kind of fun...I enjoy massively riding alone, the bike and me. And thanks God I live in a place with a great weather, so i can ride the whole year
    2002 Harley Davidson Heritage Classic
    2014 Honda F6D Deluxe


  6. #46
    Senior Member
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    I live near a very small community

    I like riding alone for short, day type rides, as I don't like worrying about the pace, route or itinerary.

    On cross country trips or rallies, I much prefer going with a group. I enjoy the socializing at the end of a day's ride.

    As far as brands go, I have no particular loyalty, although the F6 is by far the best bike I've had. I spent a lot of years on dirt bikes, naked sport bikes and large V-twins, and had a lot of fun on all of them.

    I never got into the dress up thing. I try to wear what's comfortable, safe and functional.

    There are VERY few riders I have ever disliked. I've ridden with the Harley folks, the BMW/Goldwing folks and the sport bike crowd. The vast majority of riders are decent people, IMO.

    I moved from northeast Texas to west/northwest Ohio three years ago. I have been pleasantly surprised at how much good riding is available within a fairly close range. Far better than north Texas, where good riding roads were at least a couple of hours away in any direction.

    In short, I'm a rather bland, unremarkable dweeb type.

  7. #47
    Senior Member Ixol Phaane's Avatar
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    I've been a rider for almost 40 years. I've gotten comfortable with solitude because I've never really felt like I fit in with any particular group. I'm not a joiner (present company excepted ). I own and ride bikes that speak to me simply... that are understated... and dependable. (90% Honda over the years). My rides aren't glitzy or lighted and chromed to Christmas and back, but I'll drop a $ for a comfort item or three. I won't buy into marketing hype... or peer pressure. I ride when and where my mood moves me. Sometimes that means I ride with a small group of friends... or enjoy a ride for charity. But mostly it's just me on my bike, goin' when I want, wherever I want. I'm winding down my chosen career soon and look forward to putting a lot more miles behind me in the years ahead of me. It don't bother me what brand you ride... but I won't ride with folks who judge me for my choice. If you're on the road, I hope you get where you're goin' safely. I'll probably throw a wave at ya when I see ya... but don't take it personal if I don't.
    "1.21 gigawatts?! 1.21 GIGAWATTS??! Great Scott!!"

  8. #48
    Member Massimo's Avatar
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    I'm a loner. I do not have many real friends with whom to share this passion. Maybe one or two.
    I like to travel without stopping obligations.

  9. #49
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    When I was in 5th grade a new student came in, he was from Bari, Italy and his name was Massimo, being born in America I had never heard the name before. His English wasn't the best and he took some ribbing from the other students for his name and his English. That didn't last too long as we became best friends and the ribbing stopped immediately, we were the two biggest kids in the 5th grade. His whole clan moved into a house down the block from the school, grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews. It was a beautiful thing going over that house seeing so much life and love they had. They made you feel so welcome, like a part of the family, never forget that.

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    simpsonville, SC
    I dont really participate in the HD or Goldwing culture. My first bike was an ACE Tourer and I put almost 100k miles on her with very little trouble, so another Honda felt right. I fell in love with the F6B at first glance. With just over 10,000 miles I am very happy with my decision. I ride with a select group of guys that I trust and consider them as my friends. I hate riding in large groups or alone, but I do enjoy small rallies and used to really enjoy the Tourer rallies.

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