Guys, thanks for the kind words. I love showing folks the roads less traveled in North Carolina. They are way better than the traffic infested Deal's Gap and some of the other popular roads. I had a few guys ask if they could ride with me and my son Skip on Sunday and we had blast. Munch said it was the best ride he had ever been on in all of his days of riding bikes. That says a lot since he was probably riding the worst possible bike for the twisties, a Rune! I would say that it is like trying to drive a loaded dump truck through the twisties. It just proves that the man can ride, anything! It gives me great pleasure to share my secret roads and offer riding tips to those who are not use to riding the twisties. It is a totaly different skill set. Contrary to popular belief, I do not go fast and I damn sure don't go fast in the straights. However, I do not slow down very much in the corners.

I am proud to have helped a lot of folks be able to safely handle the roads with confidence and not scare the crap out of themselves doing it.
