Quote Originally Posted by bigbird View Post
I am truly out of touch with the American way of thinking.
Your country and mine are so different in terms of attitudes towards the poor, the sick, and the right to own weapons.
If you were to give a handgun to any person I know, they would so "no thanks, why would I want or need that?" And it is legal, but a very tedious process, to own a handgun here.
I feel very lucky that I live in a country where I don't need to own a weapon to feel safe.
And that, my snow-bound friend, is the difference. I can fully appreciate your perspective.
I can also say that I am as out of touch with your culture, with regards to weapons, as you are with mine.
My background is different than most - I have been to many countries and experienced many different cultural "norms" regarding everything from weapons, to treatment of women, to a linear approach to respect rather than earned, and most recently, the complete disrespect for human life by ISIS.
And that leads me to this statement: NO ONE is completely safe. (Except perhaps people living north of the Arctic Circle.)

Don't let life take you where your brain hasn't already been for at least 15 minutes.