Tax, since it wasn't even brought up in 1776 they had to shoehorn it in later. I just did a search through the Constitution:
religious-1(but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.)
Lord-1(Year of our Lord)
Doesn't look like the founding fathers were very interested in religion mixed into politics, eh?

Everyone believes their religion or even their version of a similar religion is the right one and everyone else is going to Hell or is at least on the wrong path.
You can certainly believe what you want and search history for words that support your argument, look closer and you'll see that separation of church and state is a great idea and a country is better served by laws that deal with human issues.
There are plenty of governments in the Middle East that are tied to their religion and it hasn't worked out well for them.
OTOH, the arguments about Christianity being bad have to look waaaay back or find tiny, tiny outliers of the faith engaged in antisocial activities. One needs only look at the headlines to find something about Islam.
Everybody has their beliefs, usually indoctrinated by their parents, and are entitled to them. Some are more extreme than others and there are many Islamic practices that are not acceptable here in the US.

One thing I've learned is that NOBODY is gonna change Tax's mind, so I'm not gonna try. Don't want to see a full page copy/paste or video saying that the illuminati removed all references to Jesus from the Constitution or the Masons got a hold of it, this thread is about Trump.
He's certainly the chaos we need to shake things up. Eventually there will be nothing left of the US if we continue as-is.