Quote Originally Posted by bob109 View Post
The same could be said or implied for riding a bike without a helmet and have a head injury and have your claim denied for that fact!

The same could be said or implied for folks who are "vertically impaired" and operate a cycle on their tippy toes!

The same could be said or implied for anyone lowering their cycle so they can flat foot (only applies to vertical impaired folks)!

The same could be said or implied for driving a 840 lb. cruiser like a sport bike!

The same could be said or implied for towing a trailer with a motorcycle!

The same could be said or implied for driving on a rear tire with the cords showing!

The above, like your statement on using a CT as a excuse to deny a claim, are all assumptions and conjecture!

Unless one has definitive proof that a insurance denial has occurred (News Paper Article etc.) we add nothing to a debate except "what ifs"

About insurance companies! They operate on the business practice of " The losses of the few are covered by the premiums of the many"

Ride Safe
Obviously the smart thing to do, then, is to add one more reason for a possible claim denial

Quote Originally Posted by Steve 0080 View Post
I asked my agent ... he said it had no effect ...State Farm ...Lake Mary,FL

I go back to what has been said MANY MANY MANY times on this and or boards...if you ain't tried it not sure how anyone could have an opinion either way, on anything!!!
Interesting; I wonder if they were being honest.

Not sure if you were implying that I have an opinion on the topic, because I don't. My only opinion is that folks become educated before making the plunge.

I've been seeing some mention that motorcycle rims have a different bead design than car tires. What is this difference and how does it impact CT fitment (rhetorical). Maybe most here understand such nuances but I don't and I assume many other new readers don't either.