Quote Originally Posted by motozeke View Post
And back in Realityland, who is ever going to check their net worth before deciding whether or not to wear a helmet? Most blokes don't even check their tire pressure.

Mandatory helmet laws is one of the easiest ways to save lives and unnecessary injury, at the minuscule cost of depriving people of the option of making a dumbass decision about whether or not to wear a helmet.
Reality-land? As in California? Y'all so used to having Pelosi and Feinstein make your choices for you, you surely have forgotten what having a choice actually is. Starbucks or Dunkin'? Hmmm.

Everyone knows if they have proper medical coverage/mishap insurance - in fact, in part thanks to those two elected clowns - it is MANDATORY now. You do, or you get fined.

If you want a "mandatory" statute, how about a mandatory MSF course before one can be licensed to ride a motorcycle? And then perhaps follow-on courses get a mandated insurance reduction?

OBTW, I ALWAYS wear a Full Face helmet because I agree that the risk isn't worth the benefits - but it is my educated, informed choice which I shall advocate to others, but not force upon them.
This isn't a Socialist country - yet - in spite of many elected officials' actions.

Food for thought: how many "minuscule costs" are taken before liberty is eroded?