Quote Originally Posted by Old Ryder View Post
What an experience!!!! I would rather install another set of Helibars. This took longer. Taking off the tupperware is always a pain for me. Grinding off the tops os the rivets wasn't a big deal. Drilling out the middle also was not, but beating them out took some time as I was careful not to break off any arms that was going to cost a fortune to replace. The biggest problem was the constant adjusting. You had to take it on and off probably about 7 or 8 times to get it whate I wanted. It is very tight working spaces. All together was about 4-5 hours from start to finish, but I was not really working on a quick time as the main goal.

Thing I have learned from all of this.

1-Like most things, I could do the next one a lot quicker---not that I expect to do that.

2-Torque loopz look less intimidating to do after getting all of the other covers off. I see where everything is and how to take those things off. Hummmm -- Something to think about.

3-I am not suggesting or questioning anybody or their install process ---but ---I can see where an improper install could shorten the life of these. I am a bit anal, but if everything is not adjusted properly, premature wear will happen in my opinion. I spent over an hour making sure the ball joints were all as close to 90 degrees in every direction as possible (see the pictures in the first few posts). As you tighten things down there is a tendency to twist the ball inserts to the far limits and if it is used in this position, I see where everything is under stress. Weather or not this makes a difference, only time and miles will tell.

4-This thing certainly does tighten everything up a lot and I was able to adjust the shifter where I have no problem getting my boot under the lever.

5-The OEM connection did not have as much slop as I expected, but this is a lot tighter. The OEM had rubber boot covers over the balls and I wish this did also. The engineers figured they were needed for a reason and again, I wish they were on these. I would feel much better if they did.

6-If I had it to do all over, I am not sure if I would. I do love the feel, though.

Just my humble opinion, as always.
Great write up, Thanks!