Quote Originally Posted by Kolsch View Post
I don't think I have a herniated disc. I hope I don't.
I hope not either - they suck like a Dyson.

I have two: L4/5 & L5/S1.
I find that if I do not keep my lower back supported against the back of the seat and my hamstrings stretched, my lower back will begin to bother me and I know to scootch back and try and get the support from that angled bit of material back there. Honestly if the passenger "butt chock" was right there, it would be a win for me.

Having written that, I have rode this bike over 1000 miles in one day with the stock seat and my back didn't feel any worse than it usually does.
For me the key is keeping the hamstrings stretched out. Through lack of stretching in my younger days and add the inevitable dehydration inherent in my current alcoholic lifestyle, there are days my hamstrings feel like they are going to snap up like those roller window shades. I have the AeroPegs and while riding I can place my heels on them - usually one at a time - and lean my face forward into the console. This done every hour or so eliminates my lower back issues.

Inexpensive option? Take a regular dose of ibuprofen before riding as a preventive measure. I know lots of riders over 50 years old that do this religiously to keep fluids from collecting in their butts, knees, and ankles. Repeat during the ride every 4 hours as necessary.....

Expensive option: go to the F6B rally (20 -24 Sep) and sit on as many seats as possible until you find one your butt likes. This way you can see the saddle on the B and then actually see and feel the effects of that particular seat on your seat height, arm & leg positions, etc.

Until 19 Sep? Motrin is your friend.